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Tech Q&A: Are Facebook quizzes safe?

Read this before you take another Facebook quiz
Question: Is it safe to take quizzes on Facebook? What’s the catch?
Answer: Taking Facebook quizzes is kind of like leaving your car unlocked while you’re in the supermarket. Chances are no one will break into your car and steal all your stuff, but why would you take the risk? Some of these quizzes are outright scams and can help hackers steal your identity. Most of them are probably harmless, but their terms and conditions can be very unsettling. Facebook users routinely click past these warnings, but this might lead to problems down the line, long after you’ve forgotten about that one-time quiz about European capitals. Click here to learn about the full dangers of social media quizzes.

One critical step before disposing of a printer
Questions: We’re getting rid of our all-in-one printer and buying a new one. I know printers store a lot of our info and I would like to know how to erase it before we pass it on.
Answer: Before you get rid of any electronic gadget, you should think about what information it might be storing. It’s especially critical to wipe computers, cellphones and tablets, but other gadgets can store data as well, including printers. For all-in-one printers like yours, there is a very simple test you can do that involves disabling the printer, and a very simple way to delete any remaining data. Click here for step-by-step instructions for checking printer data.

Hidden maps in your smartphone
Question: I heard you mention on your national show that there are maps in our phones that track everywhere we go. Can you tell me more?
Answer: At first, it might sound like a conspiracy theory: Your smartphone contains a secret map that tracks your every movement. But it’s actually true. Your phone records just about every step you take, along with the times and dates that you took those steps. Your phone is basically the most sophisticated surveillance system in existence. A lot of people find that realization unnerving, but there are some pretty simple ways to turn that feature off, especially if you’re worried about someone stealing your data. Click here to find out how to switch off Apple’s Frequent Locations and Android’s Location History.

 Copyright 2016, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.
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